Sunday, April 10, 2011

alhamdulillah;) exam mode


okayy. keep quiet. saya tahu sekarang saya seharusnya menghadap encik buku. taaapi, please give a few minutes, okayy?

yup, there's still a lot to do:) minggu exam, ni buat jiwa kacau =.=' haih, masalah!

there's another 7 days for me. yes, u can do it! i know u girl, u're the best:) please don't give up early.
[kalau time SPM dulu, u can, kenapa tidak sekarang. please believe in yourself.]

baiklah, post ni sebenarnya untuk diri sendiri sahaja. untuk kembali bermotivasi dan semangat. yup i need that spirit again:) please hold me, O Allah.

'Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang yang bertawakkal kepadaNya.' [Ali-Imran : 159]

but. remember this. always.
ISLAM is the university.
the WORLD is the classroom.
AL-QUR'AN is the syllabus.
MUHAMMAD (SAW) is the teacher.
and ALLAH is the examiner.
try to pass our final exam:)

tell-to-do-so: dear mak and abah, thank u for giving me the whole-hearted support:)
pray me the best.